Edited by Angela Challis & Shane Jiraiya Cummings
ISBN: 0 9802817
0 9
13-digit ISBN: 978-0-9802817-0-5
240 pages - B Format paperback
The Blurb
The dark age is here. For years, Australian dark fiction writers have toiled in the
shadows at their craft. Australian dark fiction is now stronger than ever. This anthology features the very best Australian
short stories, novelettes, and essays published in 2005 — including many award winners and nominees.
The Review
If you haven't had the opportunity to yet read this, get it - now! I was blown away by the stories contained
within its pages. It is a remarkable collection of the adjudged best of Australian Dark Fiction from those published in 2005.
"The Memory of Breathing" by Lyn Battersby is the first story. A tale of the future where those found guilty
of murder or suicide are sentenced to a life as a reanimated corpse. This particular tale follows a young girl through her
reanimation after she was particuarly naughty. It is an excellent story that involves the reader emotionally through to its
surprising end.
Many more great short stories follow with different slants on old tales involving vampires, time travel, purgatory,
Peter Pan and many others.
Combined with insightful and pertinent non-fiction pieces from some of Australia's best known dark fiction authors
such as Robert Hood, Josephine Pennicott and James Doig, I found this anthology to be a great read from beginning to end.
I now eagerly await the arrival of (just ordered by me) the follow up book, the 2007 edition
which has just been released by the same publishers, Brimstone Press. I urge you to do yourself a favour and order your copies now.