Grades at a glance:- (a period indicates assignment not graded yet)
Module 1: A, B+, B+, A, A, A, A, A = Distinction!
Module 2: A, A-, A-, B+, A-, B-, B+, A- = Distinction
30 July 08
Module 1 Assignment 1
Intro to short story writing - rewrite an existing story in a different perspective from a character reminiscing on the
events some time later. The finished tale must be less than 450 words.
15 Jul 08
7 Aug 08
6 Aug 08
Ideas for Articles - In less than 750 words, I've had to describe an area of interest to target for articles, collect
or plan to collect information on it, target a publication and say why the editor would be interested. This is where my discussion
with the lecturer came in regarding my position with SA50s+. As a result, I have a fall back market now of this publication
as a viable market. I'll be looking to find other markets as the course progresses.
Aug 20
28 Aug 08
13 Aug 08
Subject, theme & plot - Develop ideas for a short story that will be worked on throughout the semester. We are to
use an offered table to set out the parts of our story idea. Here was born Wamphryi, the short I'm currently working on.
15 July 08
7 Aug 08
20 Aug 08
Developing ideas into articles - An in depth look into developing a single idea into a single article. Unfortunately
I found much of the wording and presentation of the assignment suggesting a much bigger impact than what was required. Or
it may have simply been my delusions of grandeur.
28 Aug 08
27 Aug 08
Character & conflict - Getting to know the central character in Wamphyri. I've had to answer eight questions detailing
a number of different things about my main character in order to prove my understanding of him.
11 July 08
10 Aug 08
3 Sept 08
Developing the article (interviews) - Some interesting points to keep in mind with my first freelance interview approaching.
The assignment required the further development of an article up to the point of being ready to almost write it. As I was
preparing an article submission to an actual market at the time, I found this assignment easier to do the second time round.
16 Sept 08
10 Sept 08
Module 1
Assignment 4
Point of View - Given outline of a situation and three main characters within it, I was required to write the first 500
words of a story that showed the ability to write from 3rd person limited and focused on one part of the suggested outline.
19 Sept 08
01 Oct 08
17 Sept 08
Module 2
Assignment 4
Research - this assignment had more to do with organisation of thoughts and gathered research than actual researching
19 Sept 08
01 Oct 08
24 Sept 08
Module 1
Assignment 5
Beginnings, endings, tension, marketing - The assignment was to write a 500-600 word piece about a character showing
understanding of tension, suspense and an ability to write in 3rd limited POV.
26 Sept 08
10 Oct 08
01 Oct 08
Module 2
Assignment 5
Wordsmithing - Write the article researched and organised in assignment 4 of this module. Student must employ fundamental
aspects of wordsmithing as outlined in module.
25 Oct 08
04 Nov 08
08 Oct 08
Module 1
Assignment 6
Writing dialogue - write a 500 word piece of dialogue between two nieghbours:
- revealing character
- creating conflict
- using speech characteristics to define characters
06 Nov 08
15 Oct 08
Processing Information - write a 750-1000 word article in which numbers are important. I decided to submit
an article I wrote for the forthcoming issue of SA50s+.
02 Dec 08
Proper words in proper places - Write a 500 word account (not a summary) of a short story. I chose to use Shane Jiraiya
Cumming's "The Cutting Room" to discuss: dialogue; characterisation, POV; Setting; Tension; Anything else I considered important
that wasn't covered by the previous topics.
04 Nov 08
Editing your work - edit a provided 900+ word piece. Also need to edit a previous 750 word article and rewrite using
principals learned during this course module. Required to submit original and rewrite of previous article and provided article.
25 Oct 08
01 Nov 08
Setting & ethos; Unorthodox fictions - submit short story I've been working on all semester (Wamphyri).
10 Nov 08
24 Nov 08
12 Nov 08
Marketing yourself and your work - For a completely new article idea, write a query letter to a real target market. Then
identify two additiuonal markets and state how you would alter the original article to allow you to sell the it to multiple
10 Nov 08
21 Nov 08
Assignment Word Count
This word count is for completed assignments only. This does not include the word count for drafts, rewrites,
or multiple submissions.
Progressive Word Count
= Suspended
(I'll add it up at the end of the semester)