Inspiration & Marketing - A four part assignment detailing the ideas, background reading, market research for a novel
idea. I'm basing all assignments in this module on Newland.
12 Feb 09
05 Mar 09
16 Feb 09
Module 1 Assignment 2
Write a three page screenplay establishing mood, setting & character. I'm required to also cover inner and outer
character needs, conflict, have an antagonist and use a catalyst.
I am going to try and convert a short piece I did for an assignment last year as the basis for this screenplay.
04 Mar 09
09 Mar 09
23 Feb 09
Module 2 Assignment 2
Writing living characters. I need to do a CV for my protagonist and write up a couple of dialogue fragments which convey
different aspects of my character's character.
13 Mar 09
27 Mar 09
02 Mar 09
Module 1 Assignment 3
4 minute script required. I did this one based on a 350 word flash piece I wrote for Cafe Doom titled Hoon. You can read
the flash fiction version on my examples page.
15 Mar 09
16 Mar 09
09 Mar 09
Module 2 Assignment 3
Plots & sub-plots: provide a one page synopsis of Newland; a chapter chapter breakdown; an explanation of how I'm
intending to tackle plot factors; a discussion on theme(s) used in the central plot - all in about 500 words (Ha!)
I then need to do a similar run down on parallel or sub-plots within Newland. No synopsis needed her or chapter breakdown
so I should be able to manage it within 500 words.
27 Mar 09
11 Apr 09
16 Mar 09
Module 1
Assignment 4
A 5 page script - I've done this one a new story. The situation revolves around a teenager purchasing condoms from his
local convenience store - make of that what you will. At least he's being responsible about it.
26 Mar 09
02 Apr 09
23 Mar 09
Module 2
Assignment 4
POV - Write a review of a novel I've recently read, discussing POV used and how successful I thought it was. I used The
Harrowing. I also needed to include an extract of AKL and explain what POV I was using, and then rewrite that extract in a
different POV. I then needed to compare the two and provide an evaluation report.
24 Mar 09
05 May 09
30 Mar 09
Module 1
Assignment 5
Developing Believable Characters - a six page script showing my ability to create and develop characters.
08 May 09
13 May 09
06 Apr 09
Module 2
Assignment 5
Authenticity: essential research - Choose a passage from a novel which conveys an authentic sense of place or period.
I chose a passage from The Harrowing. I also had to discuss place and period of my own novel and detail the type of research
I'd done to ensure authenticity of place and period depicted within my novel.
12 May 09
12 June 09
13 Apr 09
Module 1
Assignment 6
Developing your form - for the final assignment weare required to write a 10-14 page script. This assignment was to produce:
a one line synopsis
a one page synopsis
a three page treatment
for that final assignment.
15 May 09
19 May 09
20 Apr 09
Module 2
Assignment 6
In the mood - present a drafted passage from AKL likely to evoke an emotional response from a reader and provide
an explanation of the mood evoked and how I acheived it.
05 June 09
26 May 09
27 Apr 09
Module 1
Assignment 7
Editing - I am required to go back to the 6 page script I wrote earlier and edit it to improve it. There is no length
limitations this time round but it must be done in Word with track changes enabled to show the editing I did.
21 May 09
23 May 09
04 May 09
Module 2
Assignment 7
Approaches & manuscripts - create a submission package for AKL to be presented to a fictional publishing company.
The package includes: a cover letter (the query), a synopsis, and a sample chapter.
12 June 09
11 May 09
Module 1
Assignment 8
Write a 10-14 page script. The final product must be under 15 minutes in length. I have again turned to Idolatry to achieve
this, converting it into an 11 page script.
09 June 09
21 Jun 09
18 May 09
Module 2
Assignment 8
Acceptance, rejection and after - Get critical feedback from three beta readers on a sample chapter. I need to present
a detailed report on their findings. I need to present a detaile self analysis of the work and where I intend to go from here.